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Your System is Infected: A Threat You Should Be Aware Of

April 21st, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Your System is Infected is the name of a desktop hijack roaming the web. There are more scams possible on the Internet. This is a very common trick used for many years now.  This kind of message wants you to get afraid when you are reading it.  Each time, you will notice the following: some false security program will promote itself, or will install itself while displaying the previous warning message.The following site Your System is Infected will help you to delete this bad program.

It was like 10 years ago than computer’s user first got such messages.  It was like 4 years ago that this program started really to damage computers.  Many times, the first versions of this bad programs show bad words (profanities).  We are not talking about 1 or 2 bad words…but many of them.  There were 3 main goals: to make people feel bad, to make them afraid of losing something and to put doubts in their minds.  In order for the computer’s user to buy the full version that he was being talked about.  Even porn was used as another way by such programs to hijack people’s desktop.The following online service Remote PC Repair has true experts to help you remove this bad program once for all.

So users were calling me to help them to remove that: they had kids and didn’t know what to do to prevent the bad effects.  Many of them did purchase the fake security program just to get rid of the message.  As you could guess, even the full version did not remove the messages.

You can easily see why most computer’s users are caught by these attacks.  They hit home and on a personal level.  Do not fall for it. Don’t buy this fake program.  Your money will only serve bad people and their goals.The following site Malware Removal will help you to remove this threat.

To clean the warning ‘Your System is Infected”: simply use the right antivirus program.  The security program will also remove any others viruses from your computer system.  So any good security program will reset the Desktop as before and remove the graphic put by this virus.

The main obstacle people have is to get a good security program to delete this virus.  This is because in about 70% of cases a user will not be able to install any programs.   If this is the case for you then refer to one of the links above to help you out.  Several programs have been listed to help you delete this virus.

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