The WordPress Plug-ins of Choice for Online Businesses
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It’s no secret that WordPress is being used by a majority of IM marketers these days. It really isn’t all that surprising. One of the greatest appeals is that it’s totally free, easy to manipulate and install. It’s not necessary to be a web designer, programmer, or really anything in particular – just your desire to use it. Also, there are literally thousands of plugins at your disposal to use. What ever you need it to do, or how you want it to look, you can accomplish it with the help of all the plugins to choose from. Downloading is done via the WordPress codex site, and you just follow the instructions within the Dashboard and you’ll be all set to go. Here are just a few plugins that all online marketers will find useful and helpful.
No IM marketer, or blog owner for that matter, should be without the FD Feedburner plugin. Feedburner is powerful, and this plugin will let translate your existing blog feed right into a Feedburner feed. Some people don’t always want to visit a site, so they can subscribe to the RSS feed and have the content delivered to them. When you post new content to your site, your RSS feed will automatically update any subscribers, and they can check it out. The convenience factor is there’s no need to go online and manually check blogs/sites for new information. There are all different kinds of readers for different RSS formats, and Feedburner is a sort of universal format for everyone to use.Widget Logic is a plugin that is just a great one to have. Widgets are just another tool that WordPress uses besides all the plugins. The Widget Logic plugin gives you the ability to decide how your widgets will appear on your site. You’ll use it to designate which pages appear where and on what certain pages.