Waiting At The DMV? Follow These Tips!
The Department of Motor Vehicles has notoriously long waiting line that can challenge even the most patient citizen. You may walk into the DMV on any given day, get your number assignment, have a seat, and sit down for hours waiting for your number to be called. The chairs are actually not comfortable and the air conditioning thermostat is set to ‘bone-chilling’. Do not pull your hair out. There are a number of things that you could do to survive the waiting line at the DMV.
Arrive Ready
Coming ready to the DMV not only means arriving along with the right documents considered necessary to finish whatever mundane task that you need to complete. It also means carrying along something to pass the time and entertain you from the long wait to come. Try these tips next time you head out to renew your driver’s license.
1. Carry along a paperback, magazine or newspaper. The time would fly when you are absorbed in a wonderful story, article, or news column. These items are simple to bring along, and so they do not take up much room.
2. Bring along your laptop. Before you head out, download some of your favorite free internet games to your hard drive. There are many video games to select from including sport games, horse games and popular games. You would not require an internet connection to play them and they’ll keep you entertained whilst you wait. Pack your headphones in order that you do not bother the people around you.
Play free old strategy games, adventure games and play action games for free online every day!
3. Carry along your MP3 player. Put on your ear buds, shut your eyes, and be calmed to your favorite tunes as you wait. Prior to your trip to the DMV, set up your music device with comforting music that keep you mellow and relaxed.
4. Carry a puzzle book. Puzzle games like for instance Sudoku and crossword puzzles would keep your mind busy and the time will go fast. Do not forget to carry a few sharpened pencils in your purse.
In case you arrive to the Department of Motor Vehicles empty handed, you’ll be able to bet that you’ll have one frustrating wait. If you approach the counter when your number is called, how are you going to expect to have any patience left for the teller? Do yourself and everyone else a favor, and arrive ready with items to keep you occupied.
Make use of your creativeness next time you might have to survive the waiting line at the DMV and bring along your favorite distraction!