A Threat To Remove Right Now – Kneber Botnet
A big problem for computer experts and for lots of PC users is how many threats are infecting computers using the Internet as a way to reach people. Such threats are a big problem because they will steal your personal infos in many ways. Some popular ones are the spyware category, those that will spread via social networks besides those trying to steal your money (scamware). One of the most recent threats infected over 75 thousands computers belonging to around 2,500 organizations from around the world, including those belonging to social networks. This virus (it is officially called Kneber Botnet) is trying to get PC users infos such as their username/password to some online social networks, the ones affected are Yahoo, Facebook and Hotmail. Check here how to remove Kneber Botnet to learn how to remove Kneber Botnet.
Once the information is gathered it is sent to hackers that use it for illicit purposes. The first time this threat was reported was in January during a routine check. The problem was that usual security programs won’t detect this threat. This virus is also known as Kneber Botnet Invisible. Main reason being Kneber Botnet will look “invisible” when being scanned by those social networks looking for any threats. So this threat will trick lots of PC users besides getting usernames and passwords. This website computer repair is a great online service dedicated to fix any problems on your computer while this one virus remover has good infos about virus removal.
The name of the virus comes from the email address first used to promote the “invisible detector” program. Thousands of people gave away their login/password to this threat since it has appeared over the Internet. This threat was created by hackers to make more money the moment they do have your personal infos (username and password) on hands besides doing criminal marketing for some products and services. You might think that only a few hackers are using and behind this new virus. The real hackers who started this threat are not known. What is known is the fact that this virus is being used for illicit marketing by a large group of people.
Kneber Botnet has become popular all over the world on various social networks because it is not looking to steal your money. Rather it will try to steal your username and password. Many people are using social networks every day. That’s why this virus was able to spread so much and to steal lots of personal infos from lots of people. The moment you are using any of those social networks, be aware of such a threat given that for now, there is no easy way to detect this virus on a large scale.